ETHOS Fellows receive financial commitments from their home units, or from CEHV itself, to pursue projects that will support the Shared Values framework at The Ohio State University.
Selected examples of these projects include:
College of Public Health
ETHOS Fellows: Amy Ferketich, Darryl Hood, Alison Norris
Shared Values Project: Three ETHOS Fellows pooled their resources and collaborated with college leadership to create CPH Values Awards for "Care and Compassion and "Integrity and Respect." They put out a call for nominations of faculty and staff who exemplified these values. The awards were given in a virtual event. Everyone who was nominated was also notified that they had been nominated.

The awards read:
"Care and Compassion" Recipient: Colleen Hendon
"Her work with mental health first aid across Columbus show a dedication to protecting our most vulnerable citizens in and outside of CPH. This work is inherently focused on support, nurturing, and protecting the most vulnerable. Colleen in the embodiment of kindness and gratitude. I can think of no one better suited to this award."
"Integrity and Respect" Recipient: Tasleem Padamsee
"Tasleem practices with the value of integrity and respect at the center of all she does, and brings us all along with her. She supports and mentors our undergraduate students, and she allows them to grow as researchers and practitioners with opportunities and transparent feedback."
College of Engineering and Knowlton School
ETHOS Fellows: Lisa Barclay, Nina Parshall, Jen Robb, Olga Stavridis, David Tomasko
Shared Values Project: Five ETHOS Fellows pooled their resources and, working out of their college's Office of Diversity, Outreach, and Inclusion, collaborated with CEHV Director Piers Turner to create a monthly version of the ETHOS program specific to their college. The key idea was that the Shared Values could provide a platform for advancing their work on inclusive excellence. Approximately 100 staff and faculty in the college participated in this virtual series, with breakout rooms and Jamboards to share ideas.
Program Manager of Inclusive Excellence,
College of Engineering
College of Education and Human Ecology
ETHOS Fellows: Kaprea Johnson
Shared Values Project: An ETHOS Fellow who is Director of Faculty Development in her college planned a series on faculty mentorship and leadership. For the first session, she utilized the Shared Values framework as a platform for discussion, inviting CEHV Director Piers Turner and CEHV steering committee member Prof. Winston Thompson (who is based in her college) to lead a virtual session on shared values. She offered GrubHub delivery to those who took part.

Wexner Medical Center
ETHOS Fellows: Sara Vasko-Bennett
Shared Values Project: To show care and compassion, an ETHOS Fellow who is Faculty Affairs Coordinator in Cardiovascular Medicine and her team hand-wrote approximately 120 thank you cards to all physicians, NP’s, and Fellows in their unit. The aim was to thank them for their hard work, especially in the past 2 years with COVID. The notes were distributed along with an individually wrapped cookie. In addition, they worked together writing the cards, which supported inclusion among their administrative staff. ETHOS funds supported lunch for the team and the cost of cards and cookies.