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COMPAS: Conversations on Morality, Politics, and Society

Work COMPAS logo

Each year, CEHV selects a challenging theme for its “Conversations on Morality, Politics, and Society” (COMPAS) program, inviting speakers from a variety of disciplines and perspectives to help faculty, students, and other community members think constructively about next steps for our society. Complex ethical challenges need input from different areas of expertise, and COMPAS brings these voices together for wide-ranging, problem-solving discussions.

During 2024-2025, CEHV will host a series of events on the topic of Work. We hope this year’s program – our Work COMPAS – will help people think critically about how work shapes our personal and collective lives, and constructively about how we might change things in the future. In doing so, COMPAS aims to model the civil and informed discussion that is central to the mission of a leading public university. This year’s program will be anchored by two one-day conferences on the meaning and future of work.

November 1, 2024
Thompson Library 11th Floor

The Meaning of Work Conference Image

February 28, 2025
Thompson Library 11th Floor

The Future of Work Conference image

COMPAS are free and open to the public – please mark your calendars and spread the word! These events typically emphasize moderated discussion panels rather than set-piece lectures, although short (15-20 minute) formal presentations are often useful to frame the discussion.

Previous COMPAS topics include Immigration (2011-12), Public/Private (2013-14), Sustainability (2015-16), Inequality (2016-17), Religion in Public Life (2017-18), Technology (2018-19), What Is America? (2019-20), COVID-19 (2020-21), Markets and the Open Society (2021-22) and Education in Our Democracy (2022-23) and COMPAS Directions: A Decade of Ethical Exploration (2023-24).