Keynote Address by Jeffrey Sachs*
Jeffrey D. Sachs is the Director of The Earth Institute, Quetelet Professor of Sustainable Development, and Professor of Health Policy and Management at Columbia University. He is Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the Millennium Development Goals, having held the same position under former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. He is Director of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. He is co-founder and Chief Strategist of Millennium Promise Alliance, and is director of the Millennium Villages Project. Sachs is also one of the Secretary-General’s MDG Advocates, and a Commissioner of the ITU/UNESCO Broadband Commission for Development. He has authored three New York Times bestsellers in the past seven years: The End of Poverty (2005), Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet (2008), and The Price of Civilization (2011).
- Clarissa Hayward (Political Science, Washington University, St. Louis)
- Elena Irwin (Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics, OSU)
- David Landsbergen (Public Affairs, OSU)
- Eric MacGilvray (Political Science, OSU)
- William J. Martin (Dean, OSU College of Public Health)
- Adam Moore (Information School, University of Washington)
- Ryan Nash (Bioethics and Medical Humanities, OSU)
- Michael Neblo (Political Science, OSU)
- Joy Pritts (Chief Privacy Officer, Department of Health and Human Services)
- Peter M. Shane (Law, OSU)
- Ian Sheldon (Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics, OSU)
- Ines Valdez (Political Science, OSU)
See the Spring Conference webpage for updates as well as the conference schedule.
*Jeffrey Sachs' talk is co-sponsored by the Provost's new Discovery Themes Lecturer Program.