September 24, 2016
Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center
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2016-09-24 10:00:00
2016-09-24 17:00:00
Ohio Interfaith Power and Light presentsEarthkeeping Summit 2016 These are, as we all know, challenging times. Climate disruption, social injustices, violence and inequities, call out for our urgent response. For such a time, Ohio Interfaith Power & Light invites persons of faith, good will, change-makers, and justice-seekers to gather for the 2016 Earthkeeping Summit. We will gather in discernment to discover how we can work together, with hope, for climate and social justice. We must choose to stand together for the Earth and its people. Join us for this faithful, urgent witness.The all-day event includes:A keynote address from Dr. Melanie L. Harris (Religion, TCU) entitled, "There is a Balm…Eco justice, Hope, and Renewal"A panel of activists sharing stories of the renewal work that is being carried out around Ohio.Afternoon WorkshopsA closing panel including Dr. Brian Snyder (InFact, OSU) highlighting the InFACT Discovery Theme and its food security goals.For more details and to register for the event, please visit the OhIPL event page or download the event flyer.
Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2016-09-24 10:00:00
2016-09-24 17:00:00
Ohio Interfaith Power and Light presentsEarthkeeping Summit 2016 These are, as we all know, challenging times. Climate disruption, social injustices, violence and inequities, call out for our urgent response. For such a time, Ohio Interfaith Power & Light invites persons of faith, good will, change-makers, and justice-seekers to gather for the 2016 Earthkeeping Summit. We will gather in discernment to discover how we can work together, with hope, for climate and social justice. We must choose to stand together for the Earth and its people. Join us for this faithful, urgent witness.The all-day event includes:A keynote address from Dr. Melanie L. Harris (Religion, TCU) entitled, "There is a Balm…Eco justice, Hope, and Renewal"A panel of activists sharing stories of the renewal work that is being carried out around Ohio.Afternoon WorkshopsA closing panel including Dr. Brian Snyder (InFact, OSU) highlighting the InFACT Discovery Theme and its food security goals.For more details and to register for the event, please visit the OhIPL event page or download the event flyer.
Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center
Ohio Interfaith Power and Light presents
Earthkeeping Summit 2016
These are, as we all know, challenging times. Climate disruption, social injustices, violence and inequities, call out for our urgent response. For such a time, Ohio Interfaith Power & Light invites persons of faith, good will, change-makers, and justice-seekers to gather for the 2016 Earthkeeping Summit. We will gather in discernment to discover how we can work together, with hope, for climate and social justice. We must choose to stand together for the Earth and its people. Join us for this faithful, urgent witness.
The all-day event includes:
- A keynote address from Dr. Melanie L. Harris (Religion, TCU) entitled, "There is a Balm…Eco justice, Hope, and Renewal"
- A panel of activists sharing stories of the renewal work that is being carried out around Ohio.
- Afternoon Workshops
- A closing panel including Dr. Brian Snyder (InFact, OSU) highlighting the InFACT Discovery Theme and its food security goals.
For more details and to register for the event, please visit the OhIPL event page or download the event flyer.