CEHV's Ali Aenehzodaee Co-Organizes MAP Conference on Injustice and its Emotions

March 1, 2023

CEHV's Ali Aenehzodaee Co-Organizes MAP Conference on Injustice and its Emotions

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CEHV's Ali Kaveh Aenehzodaee is co-organizing a graduate philosophy conference through The Ohio State University chapter of Minorities and Philosophy. CEHV is proud to be a sponsor of the conference.

The conference, which will focus on Injustice and its Emotions, will take place from May 5-6, 2023 at Ohio State University. The keynote address will be delivered by Dr. Meena Krishnamurthy (Associate Professor of Philosophy, Queen’s University). 

The organizers will be accepting abstract submissions from graduate students until March 3, 2023, and the CFP description is as follows:

We invite submissions of abstracts up to 750 words from graduate students describing research projects broadly connected to the following philosophical themes:  Injustice elicits a slew of emotions. We are angered and saddened by injustice; we grieve in the face of its devastating effects; we lose or retain hope when combating persistent oppression. These phenomena ignite a host of questions about the relationship between emotions and injustice. For example, is anger or rage an (in)appropriate or (un)fitting response to unjust acts and institutions? Is demanding that victims of injustice forgo their anger itself a form of injustice? How should we think of forward-directed emotions such as hope in the face of oppression? What are the proper roles of backward-looking emotions such guilt or remorse as they surface in the public sphere? Answers to these questions may also depend on the intertwined relationships between theories of justice and accounts of the emotions. We thus also invite, and look forward to, scholarly contributions bearing on any of these areas of inquiry.

Submissions, prepared for blind review, should be sent as attachments to OSUMAPconference@gmail.com. Name, institutional affiliation, and contact email should be contained in the body of the message.  Submissions due March 3, 2023.