University Senate Unanimously Approves Proposal for the Center for Ethics and Human Values

At its March 24 meeting, the Ohio State University Senate unanimously approved the proposal to establish the Ohio State Center for Ethics and Human Values. With this vote, the Center is formally established as a university center. The leaders of the CEHV have ambitious and exciting plans for activities and programs that will bring together faculty, staff, and students to address important issues that have a significant ethical component.
There are a great many people who deserve credit for this important achievement. Some of those most intensively involved in this project are: Greg Hitzhusen (School of Environmental and Natural Resources), Eric MacGilvray (Political Science), Michael Neblo (Political Science), Pam Salsberry (Public Health), and Piers Turner (Philosophy),. Thanks to all of them and to many others who have been involved in this effort, too.
The COMPAS (Conversations on Morality, Politics, and Society) program has made a vital contribution to our effort to demonstrate the value of a Center for Ethics and Human Values. Because of the highly interdisciplinary nature of the program, it has involved the participation of colleagues from across the University--colleagues too numerous to mention individually. We are, though, grateful to all those who have contributed their time and expertise to the three COMPAS programs that have been conducted. The COMPAS programs require significant logistical support. This has been very ably provided by graduate administrative associates over the years: Ben Horne, Christa Johnson, Aly Massof, and Brian McClean. In addition, administrative support has been provided by Sue O'Keeffe and Michelle Brown. We are grateful to the Department of Philosophy for allowing Sue and Michelle to devote some of their time to supporting the projects of the Center for Ethics and Human Values.
We also received assistance and support from key university administrators. Michael Boehm (Vice Provost for Academic and Strategic Planning), Brad Harris (Assistant Provost and Chief Administrative Officer), Stephen Myers (Associate Provost for Outreach and Engagement), and Randy Smith (Vice Provost for Academic Affairs) were instrumental in this project.
There is much work ahead of us, but we have passed a significant institutional milestone. We're grateful to the many people who have helped us in our efforts to create an excellent Ohio State Center for Ethics and Human Values.
Don Hubin, Director
Ohio State Center for Ethics and Human Values