Bryan Weaver Coauthors Critical Commentary on Geography and Military Study Committee Report

September 23, 2020

Bryan Weaver Coauthors Critical Commentary on Geography and Military Study Committee Report

"Map Updates" CC BY 2.0 US Army
Bryan Weaver
Bryan Weaver

CEHV Steering Committee member Bryan Weaver (Senior Lecturer, Computer Science and Engineering) collaborated with Joel Wainwright (Professor, Geography) to publish "A Critical Commentary on the AAG Geography and Military Study Committee Report" in the Annals of the American Association of Geographers

Wainwright and Weaver commend but criticize a recent report by the American Association of Geographer's Geography and Military Study Committee. In particular, they critique the implied ethical reasoning behind the report's claim that AAG should leave it up to individual geographers to decide whether to engage with the military or intelligence agencies, on the basis of academic freedom and diversity in the profession.