September 22 - September 23, 2016
Thompson Library, 11th Floor
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2016-09-21 23:00:00
2016-09-22 23:00:00
COMPAS Conference: When Do Inequalities Matter?
The Center for Ethics and Human Values presents the 2016-17 COMPAS Program's Fall Conference: When Do Inequalities Matter?
The 2016-17 Inequality COMPAS program kicks off with a major interdisciplinary conference that aims to engage a general audience by focusing on four intersecting policy issues at the heart of debates about inequality today:
Mass Incarceration
Neighborhoods and Social Inequality
Health Disparities
Economic Inequality and Democracy
These issues raise important questions about poverty and opportunity, individual well-being and institutional justice, and the rights and responsibilities of democratic citizenship. They also cause us to reflect on the social and political effects of class, race, gender, and other factors. To help frame these issues, the opening panel will address the ethical question of when and why inequality matters: are all inequalities equally important?
We are delighted to welcome Richard Wilkinson for a keynote lecture on themes related to his bestselling book, The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger (Bloomsbury, 2011), co-authored with Kate Pickett.
The conference is free and open to the public, and there is no registration requirement. Faculty, students, and members of the community are welcome to attend any or all of the sessions that interest them.
The Center for Ethics and Human Values encourages research and facilitates public discussion on a wide range of foundational and applied moral questions that connect the research, teaching, and other work pursued at Ohio State.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
1:15p - 1:30p: Welcoming Remarks
1:30p - 3:00p: Session 1: Why and when does inequality matter?
Speakers: Derrick Darby (Philosophy, Michigan), Rekha Nath (Philosophy, Alabama)
Moderator: Don Hubin (CEHV and Philosophy emeritus, Ohio State)
3:30p - 5:30p: Session 2: Keynote, "Inequality: the enemy between us?"
Speakers: Richard Wilkinson (Social Epidemiology, Nottingham, emeritus)
Moderator: Michael Neblo (CEHV and Political Science, Ohio State)
5:30p - 6:30p: Reception
Friday, September 23, 2016
8:45a - 9:00a: Welcoming Remarks
9:00a - 10:30a: Session 3: Mass Incarceration
Speakers: Townsand Price-Spratlen (Sociology and AAAS, Ohio State), Sara Wakefield (Criminal Justice, Rutgers)
Moderator: Robert Bennett, III (Office of International Affairs & Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Ohio State)
10:45a - 12:15p: Session 4: Neighborhoods and Social Inequality
Speakers: Rachel Kleit (Knowlton School, Ohio State), Christopher Browning (Sociology, Ohio State)
Moderator: Rachel Dwyer (Sociology, OSU)
2:00p - 3:45p: Session 5: Health Disparities
Speakers: Paula Braveman (Family and Community Medicine, UCSF), Robert Fullilove (Public Health, Columbia)
Speaker/Moderator: William Gardner (Child Psychiatry and Epidemiology, Ottawa)
4:15p - 5:45p: Session 6: Economic Inequality and Democracy
Speakers: Jason Brennan (Philosophy, Georgetown), Jeffrey Winters (Political Science, Northwestern)
Moderator: Eric MacGilvray (CEHV and Political Science, Ohio State)
Bonus Content
Rekha Nath on Inequality
Thompson Library, 11th Floor
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2016-09-22 00:00:00
2016-09-23 00:00:00
COMPAS Conference: When Do Inequalities Matter?
The Center for Ethics and Human Values presents the 2016-17 COMPAS Program's Fall Conference: When Do Inequalities Matter?
The 2016-17 Inequality COMPAS program kicks off with a major interdisciplinary conference that aims to engage a general audience by focusing on four intersecting policy issues at the heart of debates about inequality today:
Mass Incarceration
Neighborhoods and Social Inequality
Health Disparities
Economic Inequality and Democracy
These issues raise important questions about poverty and opportunity, individual well-being and institutional justice, and the rights and responsibilities of democratic citizenship. They also cause us to reflect on the social and political effects of class, race, gender, and other factors. To help frame these issues, the opening panel will address the ethical question of when and why inequality matters: are all inequalities equally important?
We are delighted to welcome Richard Wilkinson for a keynote lecture on themes related to his bestselling book, The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger (Bloomsbury, 2011), co-authored with Kate Pickett.
The conference is free and open to the public, and there is no registration requirement. Faculty, students, and members of the community are welcome to attend any or all of the sessions that interest them.
The Center for Ethics and Human Values encourages research and facilitates public discussion on a wide range of foundational and applied moral questions that connect the research, teaching, and other work pursued at Ohio State.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
1:15p - 1:30p: Welcoming Remarks
1:30p - 3:00p: Session 1: Why and when does inequality matter?
Speakers: Derrick Darby (Philosophy, Michigan), Rekha Nath (Philosophy, Alabama)
Moderator: Don Hubin (CEHV and Philosophy emeritus, Ohio State)
3:30p - 5:30p: Session 2: Keynote, "Inequality: the enemy between us?"
Speakers: Richard Wilkinson (Social Epidemiology, Nottingham, emeritus)
Moderator: Michael Neblo (CEHV and Political Science, Ohio State)
5:30p - 6:30p: Reception
Friday, September 23, 2016
8:45a - 9:00a: Welcoming Remarks
9:00a - 10:30a: Session 3: Mass Incarceration
Speakers: Townsand Price-Spratlen (Sociology and AAAS, Ohio State), Sara Wakefield (Criminal Justice, Rutgers)
Moderator: Robert Bennett, III (Office of International Affairs & Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Ohio State)
10:45a - 12:15p: Session 4: Neighborhoods and Social Inequality
Speakers: Rachel Kleit (Knowlton School, Ohio State), Christopher Browning (Sociology, Ohio State)
Moderator: Rachel Dwyer (Sociology, OSU)
2:00p - 3:45p: Session 5: Health Disparities
Speakers: Paula Braveman (Family and Community Medicine, UCSF), Robert Fullilove (Public Health, Columbia)
Speaker/Moderator: William Gardner (Child Psychiatry and Epidemiology, Ottawa)
4:15p - 5:45p: Session 6: Economic Inequality and Democracy
Speakers: Jason Brennan (Philosophy, Georgetown), Jeffrey Winters (Political Science, Northwestern)
Moderator: Eric MacGilvray (CEHV and Political Science, Ohio State)
Bonus Content
Rekha Nath on Inequality
Thompson Library, 11th Floor
The Center for Ethics and Human Values presents the 2016-17 COMPAS Program's Fall Conference: When Do Inequalities Matter?
The 2016-17 Inequality COMPAS program kicks off with a major interdisciplinary conference that aims to engage a general audience by focusing on four intersecting policy issues at the heart of debates about inequality today:
- Mass Incarceration
- Neighborhoods and Social Inequality
- Health Disparities
- Economic Inequality and Democracy
These issues raise important questions about poverty and opportunity, individual well-being and institutional justice, and the rights and responsibilities of democratic citizenship. They also cause us to reflect on the social and political effects of class, race, gender, and other factors. To help frame these issues, the opening panel will address the ethical question of when and why inequality matters: are all inequalities equally important?
We are delighted to welcome Richard Wilkinson for a keynote lecture on themes related to his bestselling book, The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger (Bloomsbury, 2011), co-authored with Kate Pickett.
The conference is free and open to the public, and there is no registration requirement. Faculty, students, and members of the community are welcome to attend any or all of the sessions that interest them.
The Center for Ethics and Human Values encourages research and facilitates public discussion on a wide range of foundational and applied moral questions that connect the research, teaching, and other work pursued at Ohio State.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
1:15p - 1:30p: Welcoming Remarks
1:30p - 3:00p: Session 1: Why and when does inequality matter?
- Speakers: Derrick Darby (Philosophy, Michigan), Rekha Nath (Philosophy, Alabama)
- Moderator: Don Hubin (CEHV and Philosophy emeritus, Ohio State)
3:30p - 5:30p: Session 2: Keynote, "Inequality: the enemy between us?"
- Speakers: Richard Wilkinson (Social Epidemiology, Nottingham, emeritus)
- Moderator: Michael Neblo (CEHV and Political Science, Ohio State)
5:30p - 6:30p: Reception
Friday, September 23, 2016
8:45a - 9:00a: Welcoming Remarks
9:00a - 10:30a: Session 3: Mass Incarceration
- Speakers: Townsand Price-Spratlen (Sociology and AAAS, Ohio State), Sara Wakefield (Criminal Justice, Rutgers)
- Moderator: Robert Bennett, III (Office of International Affairs & Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Ohio State)
10:45a - 12:15p: Session 4: Neighborhoods and Social Inequality
- Speakers: Rachel Kleit (Knowlton School, Ohio State), Christopher Browning (Sociology, Ohio State)
- Moderator: Rachel Dwyer (Sociology, OSU)
2:00p - 3:45p: Session 5: Health Disparities
- Speakers: Paula Braveman (Family and Community Medicine, UCSF), Robert Fullilove (Public Health, Columbia)
- Speaker/Moderator: William Gardner (Child Psychiatry and Epidemiology, Ottawa)
4:15p - 5:45p: Session 6: Economic Inequality and Democracy
- Speakers: Jason Brennan (Philosophy, Georgetown), Jeffrey Winters (Political Science, Northwestern)
- Moderator: Eric MacGilvray (CEHV and Political Science, Ohio State)
Bonus Content