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CEHV supporting PPE student conference travel and research group

February 13, 2023

CEHV supporting PPE student conference travel and research group

Ayah Elsheikh

CEHV helped establish the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) major at Ohio State and continues to support the program through its core faculty and funding for student projects.

Travel for PPE student to attend national conference

Ayah Elsheikh has been selected to represent Ohio State’s Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) program at the 2023 National Undergraduate PPE Colloquium hosted by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The conference brings together exceptional PPE students from around the country to engage in two days of reading and discussion.

Ayah is a third-year double major in International Relations & Diplomacy and PPE with a minor in French. She can usually be found in the Office of International Affairs as a Global Ambassador and a member of the Global Leadership Initiative. She is also currently a research assistant with the Divided Community Project at the Moritz College of Law. Her main interest has been the translation of law and policy across languages and cultures, which she is exploring through the Translation and Interpretation program at OSU.

CEHV is sponsoring Ayah's travel to this conference. Congratulations Ayah!

PPE undergraduate research group

Support for undergraduate research group

Elyse Reed, PPE Society Vice President and a PPE major, has organized an undergraduate research group to study Machiavelli's classic work, The Prince.

Other participating students include: Brady Aneshansel, Joe Bjorkman, Nathaniel Conway, Tabbi Ghulam, Mingyang Lu, Tyler Mark, and Michael Sarkis.

The students are slowly working through the text together with CEHV Director and PPE Society faculty advisor, Piers Turner (Department of Philosophy).

CEHV provided copies of the books to all participants, and snacks for the meetings.