

Center for Ethics and Human Values

Announcing New Cohort of Civil Discourse Fellows!

CEHV is very pleased to announce our undergraduate Civil Discourse Fellows for 2024-2025. Working with CEHV faculty and program director, Kathryn Joyce, our fellows plan and moderate Civil…

The 4Cs: Virtues of Civil Discourse

CEHV’s Civil Discourse Work Profiled in Ohio State News

Ohio State News recently interviewed CEHV Associate Director Aaron Yarmel about the new Listen. Learn. Discuss. platform, CEHV’s workshops and approach to civil discourse, and his academic…

CEHV Associate Director Aaron Yarmel leads discussion

Yarmel Leads Civil Discourse Discussion at OSU's Big Table Event

Since 2017, Ohio State has participated in the Columbus Foundation's "The Big Table" initiative, bringing together parties from across OSU's campus to participate in a community conversation. CEHV…

CARE logo

Check Out CEHV's CARE Program for Monthly Virtual Panels and a Free RCR Training Program

One of CEHV’s main programs—CARE, or “Conversations About Research Ethics”— offers Ohio State researchers a distinctive opportunity to deepen their engagement with research ethics, and to explore…
Ohio State's Listen. Learn. Discuss. Initiative

CEHV's Civil Discourse for Citizenship Programming Highlighted in The Lantern

A recent article in The Lantern spotlights CEHV's civil discourse programming. The article features interviews with Kathryn Joyce (CEHV's Civil Discourse Program Director) and Aaron Yarmel (CEHV's…

headshot of Kyle Stroh

CEHV Welcomes Civil Discourse for Citizenship Postdoctoral Researcher, Dr. Kyle Stroh

CEHV is pleased to announce that Dr. Kyle Stroh has recently joined us as the new Civil Discourse for Citizenship Postdoctoral Researcher. In that role, Kyle will support CEHV's mission…

CEHV is Proud to Support Listen. Learn. Discuss.

Last week, Ohio State unveiled a new initiative, called Listen. Learn. Discuss: 

"a set of skill-based resources focused on helping members of our community respectfully listen and…

an image of a group of young people sitting around a circle

CEHV's Aaron Yarmel Presents Free Workshop on Restoring Care Around Controversial Topics

On July 16, 2024, from 7:00-8:00 PM, CEHV Associate Director, Dr. Aaron Yarmel, will co-facilitate a workshop with Ariel Sykes. This workshop will introduce participants to techniques for showing…

Sahar Heydari Fard

CEHV's Sahar Heydari Fard featured on "Voices of Excellence" podcast

Professor Sahar Heydari Fard (Philosophy; CEHV steering committee) was interviewed by David Staley for the College of Arts and Sciences' "Voices of Excellence" podcast. 

Her episode…